Friday, May 9, 2014

Blog Hop Reveal is HERE!!

It's finally time to show what I made with my beads from the Blog Hop!!!!

Okay as a refresher --- I started with these thanks to my lovely partner, Amanda Wacasey. Here's her blog so be sure to check it out! Blog link:

Great stuff about this: I love this color theme! There is a great variety of nice looking beads ---and
a great big glass focal!
Challenges: Okay, I confess, I thought I was going to get a small selection of big beads.
And as you can see this is a large variety, but small quantity,  of  mostly 4-6mm beads!

But this is supposed to be about challenging yourself to try new things! And I took this to heart!

I'm experienced with kumihimo ....a style of Japanese braiding, which in its modern version can also incorporate beads. BUT this takes lots and lots of small beads and I didn't see a good way to use my bead soup in this way. SO, I thought well what about bead weaving? I've always wanted to try this!

Here is my first attempt.....

And then this turned into this pile......

Which then turned into these pieces!

These are earrings with a matching necklace. But as you can see, these are an antique-y brown color and my clasp? Antique silver but never fear....I changed the color to match! I used Swellegant Bronze and I think its a near perfect match! (:

By the way, I enjoyed Bead Weaving so much that I've learned herringbone, right angle weave and peyote.  So for this reason alone, I am thrilled that I joined the blog hop! (:

BUT of course, this didn't use all the for those I practiced some of my basic wire working skills and made this:

This charm bracelet was a perfect way to use the beads, and of course allowed me to make sure there was plenty of sparkle. I have to thank Lori for the inspiration for this piece1 I was feeling stuck and she suggested a few ideas. This bracelet spawned from one of them, and I'm very happy with the result.

BUT if you notice, I STILL haven't used the focal. I was a bit stuck to be truthful --- how DO I use a big focal, display it well, yet make it interesting? Finally I came up with this, and I think it lets the focal shine but still provides some interest.

So, there you have it. I thought this was a very valuable experience that allowed me to learn new things! I hope you have enjoyed the visit. (:

AND Please go and check out the other blogs in the blog hop by following this link: